now i'm no bogan, as my sis would concur, i'm apparently a hippy. and having never visited a car bits shop before, walking into autobarn was like stepping into a whole new world. it was all engine oils, Big Tools, manly colours and hyper masculine font. i hightailed it outta there before the handlebar moustached dude could approach.
can you imagine: 'er, do you sell fluffy dice? and what colours do you have?'
since i'm infinitely more comfortable at spotlight, i grabbed some felt, stripey trim, polyfiller (thanks dr kath!) and set to work to make some felt dice. they took a bit longer to complete than anticipated. who knew that you can't glue felt to felt? who knew!! tried pva, acid-free craft glue and even superglue.
no dice. so to speak.

that's high praise from a bogan ;)
pwoargh, those dize are amazing ... and i'm not sure if it's the camera angle but are they a bit bigger than average fuzzy dice??
i probably belong in the bogan category (after all, i did feel quite at home amongst those Airbourne fans!) so when it comes time for me to invest in some wheels, roll dem dice!
hey, those dice transcend both categories.. !
=) I like them!
.... Can you make me some giant poker chips? =p
will put you on the waiting list dr b!
and yes well spotted, they are indeed, dangerously, waaaay too huge. i insisted to lis that if she couldn't see out of her windscreen then i would not be offended if she didn't use them! (would much rather her alive ;D)
jaye> where you been!? how's life?
jfox, how did you eventually stick them together? Did you sew them?
jonno> yup. i sewed the dots on. every. last. one. of. em.
great exercise in patience!
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