This weekend past, we welcomed niece #2 into the world. Congrats C and S!
For her first gift, a felt animal mobile inspired by the Aranzi Aronzo book "
Cute Stuff", a gift from C and S from one of their overseas soirees.
Why have I been slaving over quilts with all their batting and binding and matching fat quarters?
These felt animals were HEAPS more fun to make!

No need for patterns: I cut out these shapes freeform from my felt stash, embroidered their faces, stuffed a little bit of polyfill in their bodies and used blanket stitch to put them all together.

The animals have 2 inch lace loop at the top where the ribbon goes through. The other end of the ribbon hangs from a embroidery hoop - my makeshift mobile frame.

Yes, the animals look innocent enough, but they were slightly uncooperative models for photos. Maybe they were nervous about being stuck over the balcony? =p
Next time: need to figure out a better method to hang the mobile, but am feeling well chuffed with the final result!
Welcome little baby p! We look forward to getting you know you =)