I've lived in Melbourne my whole life and I've only just recently visited the Collingwood Children's Farm. Situated less than 2km away from the CBD with the Yarra River bike path running through their gardens, the Farm is open everyday and provides a little bit of country in the big smoke.
Although we arrived when it was closed, big or small city kids can still walk along the river and check out the cuuute goats, sheep and horsies. In fact,the baby animals ran in a big mob towards us and scrambled at the fence - they are definitely not afraid of people!
Unfortunately, we didn't get to check out the Farm Cafe, but we did like their illustrations accompanying the menu.

aaaw, this place is grreat! as you said, both for big AND little kids. when i visited a few years ago, i was lucky enough to actually be in the company of an enthralled two-and-a-half year old .... lots and lots of fun.
and i love that photo of those two lil' sheep staring up at you :-)
JP told me of your blog... you sly thing! Fancy not telling me!
Hope you had a great christmas and new year.. by the looks of things you did!
I *should* visit you soon! hopefully.. maybe..!!
Xx julia
p.s. I'd have a Beatles album in your top list.. ! The question is which one?!
And the Pernice Brothers... Is the world won't end better than Discover a lovlier you? I dunno...
i shoulda known you would have a blog-oh. love your pics - espec the one with the green plasticised hay snuggling up to the car :D
yeah, come down to melb and visit!
I've ridden by there heaps of times, but never realised it was so big from the 4th pic. The cafe always seems packed though so it must be good... Too bad it looked a little cloudy too
Ah v.cute sheepies!!!!
Nice pix Caz and thanks for popping over on Sat'day- hope to see you soon!
oh kool drb!> yeah i imagine kids would go nutso at the farm! have you been to the market there?
and jonno> i really want to have a bike ride on that trail with a picnic lunch, maybe when it's less overcast too!
nah jfox, i didn't get a chance to go to the market when i was there. all the more reason for a return visit ... cute fuzzy critters and ridiculously fresh produce ... perfect!
and yep, little people do indeed go nutso at the farm! i loved every minute, but i had my hands full!
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