Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Echino Framed

Inspired by some fabric wall hangings at Kiitos, we armed ourselves with a staple gun and stretched canvas frame to make this for my bro's housewarming/Christmas pressie.
This Echino Bird print was a gift from Dr P and J a few years ago from Duckcloth - I think they may have envisioned a skirt version too; however, I think it also makes a great print to admire on a nice new wall in a nice new house. An extremely satisfying project indeed, we felt quite proud of our handiwork!
There are plenty of tutes floating around if you're keen (the tute on the Marimekko blog is a good start).  I decided to fold the edges over for a neater finish, but beware the added bulkiness when dealing with the corners. To help reduce the bulk from the extra fabric, I trimmed a small triangle from each corner before stapling the fold in place, but I'm still working towards a better solution for this.
We also grabbed some D rings and simply added one to each side (you could also use eye screws). Attach some wire to hang up your finished masterpiece =p - there are also plenty of tutes on how to tie a wire knot. 

A great way to destash fabric - especially those that you can't bear to cut into, and you get to admire your lovely prints everyday.  Hope bro, s and little miss c enjoy it!

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