:: you can bake muffins for the boys or you can throw rocks at them!
:: have just recently started reading this great blog Drawn! - all kinds of 2D creativeness at the helm of John Martz
:: another secret love, i like 'big fish ensemble' and 'confusebox' - how bout choo?

...would love to hear what you've been reading lately!
i'm with jelloman .... but is it really bad to admit that throwing rocks at boys is fun? and one evil thing i've been watching lately is this doozy ...
hope the link works ok ;-)
I'm a good boy - I deserve muffins but not stones!
And how I've guessed that the comic is Canadian! The French would just not tolerate an English word in a supposedly French comic.
Le garcon et le pain, maintenant ils se sentent la peine.
not to incite controversy...but most boys eventually do something that deserves stones...
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