* my third attempt at crafting a baby quilt.
i confess that i'm making it up as i go along, but i think i'm improving a little bit with each attempt.
the fabrics are a mix of brand new, op-shopped or gifts from our circle of friends...

* recently, i accompanied lise and d-man to ikea when they went to buy a kitchen (as you do).
i went exploring, discovered (apparently) better ways of living and, of course, complete disorientation ensued. do not veer from the ikea path in ikea world peoples!
it was with joy that i discovered the textiles section: this print is from the Gunilla range and i found a matching, plain canvas to go with. i snapped up a half metre of each and had to hold myself back from the other bolts of fabric.

i always seem to come away from ikea feeling that life is poorer without a modular/minimalist/flim-flam organisation system.
(ok, alright, i want a clean-living, clutter-free, sweet ikea life, damnit!)
PS: we've been wanting to get out of the big smoke for a while, so we took advantage of a free weekend and went down to the peninsula.
a while back, i did some weeding and planting with a volunteer group.
how amazing is this transformation: compare this to our visit last week