if i'm planning a surprise for someone else, i have big problems keeping my big mouth shut cos i can't wait to present the gift.
conversely, if someone tells me there's a surprise coming, i stoopidly guess away until i wear them down, thereby ruining it for myself. i should just learn to enjoy the anticipation huh?
and it's not because i can't keep a secret (don't worry folks! it's all in the vault).
two cases in point: the previous pressie hadn't even been mailed when i posted it... i'm really hoping that a certain someone's track record of only checking this blog when the link is sent will hold true. anyway [lame justification ahead], i needed to ask someone else's opinion on the matter... ...
and now: i can't even wait two measly weeks to give little miss and master buttons away.
a piddlely two weeks.
ended up passing them on as soon as i made them, "surprise!"
the glass-half-fulls out there might say, well that actually adds to the surprise. it all works out, see?
basically, if you like being surprised, never ask me if i have a secret plan, cos it will all come tumbling out. ;)

wanna try? we've seen this pattern around town (eg Meet Me At Mikes) or you can try the original source here , check out the photo gallery of other little misses - it's like an army.
surprise! there's nothing wrong with sharing a surprise when other people don't know its coming...cos that's a surprise! maybe that makes me a glass-half full? doesn't sound right...but miss B and master F are happy in their new home, looking very cool in their duds. Thanks heaps JFox!
wow...it doesn't matter about your relative lack of surprise-secrecy - you're a whiz with these creative things! how did you make those??!!!
...gonna go and torture myself by visiting Meet Me at Mikes...
hi caz!
Gosh those little creations are gorgeous! :) How did you sew the shoes on without showing the stitch around the socks? My creative meadnerings are enthusiastic but usually wind up abandoned because I've made a mistake halfway through.. *sobs*
Latest project-o... trying to make a hairclip with ribbon flowers- any ideas on how to make 'em? I'll try and post a picture of the results soon! :)
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