It's been difficult getting back into work-mode. What with reagents not quite ready to start experiments, my thumbs are well twiddled by now! To ease guilt of inappropriate use of internet facilities, try this:
What the? My message got deleted by me and I don't know how. Oh well!
Just wanted to say nice idea, but don't think I can pull it off. If only the software could make myspace look like cannulated intestines. Mmmmm... Better it doesn't!
...a report would be great!Gotta find a way for it to include mp3 files interpreting the intestinal activity as songs by the likes of our beloved muso's!
Okay... I need to get away from the lab and have some fresh air.
What the? My message got deleted by me and I don't know how. Oh well!
Just wanted to say nice idea, but don't think I can pull it off. If only the software could make myspace look like cannulated intestines. Mmmmm... Better it doesn't!
Hope you're feeling much better soon Taichifox!
How about a report about cannulated intestines? (they sound gross btw cass!)
...a report would be great!Gotta find a way for it to include mp3 files interpreting the intestinal activity as songs by the likes of our beloved muso's!
Okay... I need to get away from the lab and have some fresh air.
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