taichifox was set up firstly for a laugh, gotta participate in the noughties with ya own blog right? It was a kind of secret thrill that this luddite could be cyberkinetic! Even more fantastically, our collective blogs have created a whole 'nother layer of dialogue in our regular bouts of babble and beverages.
The best blogs seem to be those that speak of personal matters and though I'm too boring/too shy/mainly boring to pour much heart here, I did experience the strangest day last week and felt the need to take a self portrait.
Good friends will wonder if some doppelganger has hacked into taichifox:
I Absolutely Abhor photographs.
I ungraciously
.....turn away or
..........cite the Aboriginal notion that cameras steal a bit of your soul or
...............run away screaming or
....................pull dumb faces or
.........................take another sip of my beer
Hate it!
So one day last week two things happened:
a) I was accepted to present an oral presentation of my research work at an overseas conference- mega opportunity.This represents a few firsts: first time to speak at a conference. first overseas conference. first time in europe. You can imagine how this collapse of firsts naturally progresses to man panic stations ...NOW!
b) So I trundled along to my favourite bookshop where a question for recommendation, a small conversation and a ripped cover or two later, I am the recipient of a generous gift of a barely out of date 2005 Rough Guide to Europe. What an amazing gesture to a poor student - I will forever patronise this bookshop. I find kindness very touching and so rare.

see..you only had to wait so long b/c it was meant to be perfect! so pleased for you...
hehehe ... love this post (and not just because of the brilliant title either!). i agree that staring down the barrel of a whole alien host of firsts sure is daunting. but i've found over the last year in particular that if you just think back to the Big Scary Firsts that you've negotiated in the past, little wobbles aside, you'll find that you've most likely handled them a treat. and you'll do the same this time jfox - i know it ;-)
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