Thursday, February 02, 2006

Night Market Delights

I'm a bit behind with my here's another one

Over the summer, the Night Market takes over a shed or two at the Queen Vic. Imagine: stuff to buy on one side, stuff to eat on the other, and a beer garden to enjoy the balmy twilight hours. There are several stalls which sell beautifully designed home made crafty things - it's nice to know that the dosh you hand over goes straight to the person who poured themselves into making something. That kinda passion is priceless.

I love walking past the food stalls with all their delicious, tempting wafts. An old habit of mine is to gravitate towards the corn cobs or the poffertjes. However, last night I was introduced to the cupcake stall.

Now I'm not really a girly girl. Not in the Alannah-Hill-type sense and not in the damsel-in-distress sense either. The cupcake stall is very PINK and FLORAL, so I may have been walking past and missing out on these delicious cupcakes for weeks, nay years! Luckily, my non-PINK discriminating pals saw past the PINK and went straight to that which pleases the stomach.


Of course having denounced being a girly girl, I chose the purdiest cupcake of them all - the raspberry and white chocolate creation, complete with PINK sugar flower and PINK decorations!

The Archduke January 31st 2006

:: Cut Copy ::

:: Franz Ferdinand ::

:: Happy crowd ::
except for the man who was punched in the face